Building Skills. Sense of Self. Community Engagement.

TOP is a safe place for everyone. We want to hear everyone’s voice; we take our time to learn from you and to let you know we are for you as a whole group. Get out of your comfort zone and show us what you’re capable of. – Su Su, TOP teen at Community Youth Concepts.

Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) is focused on building social-emotional skills, developing a positive sense of self, and making a difference in the community.

Building Important Skills

including communication, decision-making, and how to set goals.

Learning about themselves

by exploring their values and identity, and taking care of their personal health and wellness.

Engaging with their communities

through community service projects and discovering how they can make a difference in the lives of others.

What is TOP?

TOP is…

A nationally-recognized, evidence-based program empowering teens with the tools and opportunities to build social-emotional skills, strengthen relationships, and avoid risky behaviors.

Using interactive lessons facilitated by trained, caring adults, TOP youth become prepared to navigate life’s challenges through their teenage years – and beyond – and to make a difference in their communities.

TOP is a 9-month program designed for young people in the 6th-12th grades and can be customized to fit the needs of all teens.

Rigorous research shows TOP works.

TOP teens show academic improvements.
Lowered risk of failing grades and failed courses.

TOP teens show decreased risky behaviors.
Lowered risk of risky sexual behavior and pregnancy.
Lowered risk of suspensions and skipping school.

Every year, Wyman directly serves over 650 middle school teens in partnership with the School District of University City and the Ferguson-Florissant School District. Through our National Network partners, TOP reaches nearly 30,000 teens across the country.


Learn more about our outcomes

Bring TOP to your community

Visit our National Network page for information on how you can become a partner!

More about TOP

Find out what our TOP teens are up to!
TOP BWMS Spring 2023 Newsletter
TOP Johnson Wabash Spring 2023 Newsletter
TOP Wedgwood Spring 2023 Newsletter

Visit the TOP at Brittany Woods Middle School and TOP at FFSD websites which share the voices of our TOP teens as they advocate, give back to the community, and grow in their social and emotional learning.

View our TOP Logic Model.

Click here to see how we adjusted programming during COVID-19

TOP has received CASEL’s highest designation for high-quality SEL programming.

TOP has been recognized as a Promising Program by Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development.